The Homeless Initiative works closely with the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA), the lead agency in the Los Angeles Continuum of Care (CoC), the regional planning body that guides and tracks homeless individuals and families through a comprehensive array of housing and services designed to prevent and end homelessness.

The Homeless Initiative also administers agreements with the Glendale, Long Beach, and Pasadena Continuums of Care, providing funds to support their homelessness prevention and rapid rehousing services, as well as their street-based outreach, coordinated entry system and emergency shelter system.



LAHSA helps coordinate efforts among agencies, businesses, community leaders, government agencies and elected officials to determine priority needs and services from a local, regional and county-wide basis.

LAHSA and its partner agencies provide a continuum of programs including outreach, access centers, emergency shelters, safe havens, transitional and permanent housing, and homeless prevention, along with the necessary supportive services designed to provide the tools and skills required to attain a stable housing environment.

Additionally, LAHSA conducts the annual Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, also known as the Point-in-Time Count, as well as the annual Shelter Count and Housing Inventory Count. Both provide an overview of the state of homelessness and  information f0r redirecting services, funding and resources as necessary.

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