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Pathway to the Emmys 600 541 CVillacorte

Pathway to the Emmys

The LA County Channel has received an LA Area Emmy® Award nomination for a series of inspiring stories about people housed through the Pathway Home program. Dawn takes the Pathway Home Home and Heart in Hawthorne A Place to Call…

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Battle Buddies Combat Homelessness 600 541 CVillacorte

Battle Buddies Combat Homelessness

The Veteran Peer Access Network (VPAN) is the first community-driven support network serving veterans and their families in the U.S.  Led by veterans for veterans, VPAN connects L.A. County Departments, nonprofits, the V.A., and L.A. City Programs to help veterans…

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2024 Homeless Initiative Summit 600 541 CVillacorte

2024 Homeless Initiative Summit

Emphasizing that collaboration is key to solving homelessness, Los Angeles County convened leaders and stakeholders across the homeless services system to strengthen partnerships and harness their collective expertise. More than 350 of these partners came together at the 2024 Homeless…

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On the Road to Stability 1024 923 CVillacorte

On the Road to Stability

When the company where Antonio had worked for several years closed its doors, he found himself at risk of homelessness without a consistent source of income. He struggled to find employment that covered basic expenses and recognized that a different…

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Quarterly Report 28 586 756 CVillacorte

Quarterly Report 28

This 28th Quarterly Report marks almost nine months since the Board of Supervisors’ declaration of a State of Emergency on homelessness and provides updates on ongoing efforts to implement the Homeless Initiative’s New Framework to Address Homelessness, with a particular…

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Putting Care First 600 541 CVillacorte

Putting Care First

During the pandemic, Los Angeles County scrapped plans for a new parking lot for Men’s Central Jail in downtown LA and instead repurposed 60 shipping containers to create interim housing for people experiencing homelessness who were at risk of serious…

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From Incarceration to Independence 1024 923 CVillacorte

From Incarceration to Independence

Saul, 25, was living with his parents when a family disagreement landed him in jail. With nowhere to go after his release and no support network to lean on, he fell into homelessness. Saul was referred to Home At Last…

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Giving Back 600 541 CVillacorte

Giving Back

Candice was studying to become a registered nurse when circumstances led to her experiencing homelessness. She endured many hardships while living on the streets, surviving domestic violence and gang violence. When Los Angeles County conducted its first RV-focused Pathway Home…

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A Brighter Future for Robert 1024 923 CVillacorte

A Brighter Future for Robert

Robert, 41, and his family were receiving housing support through the Shallow Subsidy program when he unexpectedly lost his job. Around this time, his partner gave birth to the couple’s second child, which put additional financial strain on the family.…

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Meet Miles 1024 923 CVillacorte

Meet Miles

  Miles, 33, spent much of his childhood moving from place to place as the son of parents in the military. Amid problems at home, he found himself in foster care and, at age 24, began experiencing homelessness. He was…

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