• December 18, 2024

LA County Launches Pathway Home RV Interim Housing Pilot Program

LA County Launches Pathway Home RV Interim Housing Pilot Program

LA County Launches Pathway Home RV Interim Housing Pilot Program 150 150 admin

Los Angeles County today announced it has launched a Pathway Home RV Interim Housing Pilot Program at a Crenshaw parking lot to serve people living in their recreational vehicles (RVs), providing them with legal parking, a safe environment to sleep, wraparound services, and case management to transition them out of homelessness and into permanent housing.

This latest Pathway Home operation, which will focus on people living in RVs within the 2nd Supervisorial District, continues the County’s emergency response to resolve encampments and return community areas to their intended use.

Today, Los Angeles County Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell, acknowledging her support for the pilot effort, joined RV residents for a holiday breakfast gathering that included free haircuts, donated winter clothes, and conversations about the future.

“Having put forward the motion to create a countywide plan for addressing RV encampments that is a core part of the County’s Pathway Home program, I’ve seen firsthand the extensive outreach and time that is required to build trust and resources to get residents experiencing homelessness in RVs to let go of them. This pilot program allows us to continue doing critical outreach while efficiently using existing county resources to provide a safe space that will include wrap-around services for mental health and substance abuse, and a plan to help get each person in an RV into permanent housing,” said Supervisor Mitchell, whose district has some of the largest numbers of RVs occupied by people experiencing homelessness. “We can end chronic homelessness, achieving that often requires an in-between step from the streets to permanent housing, which is what this pilot program provides.”

At any given time, the site can accommodate 14 RVs and up to 20 participants. On November 4th initial participants who were identified by teams conducting outreach to RV homeless encampments first moved onto the lot. Since then, additional RV owners experiencing homelessness have also moved their vehicles to the site. Onsite housing navigators and other service providers are working with residents to support clients on their path to permanent housing. Partners in this effort include, but are not limited to, the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department and Department of Public Works.

Pathway Home is an LA County Homeless Initiative-led encampment resolution program that is a critical component of the County’s comprehensive response to the local emergency on homelessness adopted by the Board of Supervisors in 2023. By leveraging emergency powers and partnerships with local jurisdictions, Pathway Home is a full-circle solution that brings people off the streets, into immediately available interim housing accompanied by a comprehensive suite of supportive services, and, ultimately, into safe, permanent homes.

Pathway Home has been funded through Measure H, a ¼-cent sales tax approved by County voters in 2017 to prevent and address homelessness. Starting in January 2025, Pathway Home will be funded by Measure A, a ½-cent sales tax approved by voters in November to replace Measure H. With these funds, the County has placed more than 115,000 people into permanent housing – ending their homelessness. It has brought 151,000 people into interim housing, prevented 37,000 people from becoming homelessness; and provided many more people with a diverse array of supportive services.