• May 1, 2024

A Better Life is Waiting

A Better Life is Waiting

A Better Life is Waiting 150 150 CVillacorte

Young, 59, became homeless following a string of devastating events that derailed his life. He lost several loved ones and sustained life-altering injuries in a traumatic car accident, which led him to become addicted to prescription drugs. From that point, Young fell into a downward spiral. He lost his housing and spent years in and out of prison. Upon his most recent release in February 2023, a switch flipped, and Young set three goals for himself: sobriety, housing, and employment.

Young connected with Chrysalis Enterprises through the LA County Department of Economic Opportunity, where he began meeting with an employment specialist, working in a transitional employment role full time, and earning consistent income through Chrysalis. He looks forward to using his transitional employment experience to secure a long-term, meaningful job that meets his financial goals and enables him to maintain housing stability.

“A better life is waiting. All you have to do is try. It can happen for them because it’s happening for me.”

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