• November 25, 2022

Hector Gets a Fresh Start

Hector Gets a Fresh Start

Hector Gets a Fresh Start 600 541 CVillacorte

Hector, 62, was incarcerated for 31 years. Upon release, he experienced drastic changes in his personal life. The people he was once close to had moved on. He believed the only way to get back some dignity was to be employed. LA:RISE, operated by DEO, was able to help. One of its case managers at Rancho Dominguez America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC) showed him that there are companies willing to take a chance with people who were previously incarcerated. When employers do background checks it usually works against someone who was incarcerated, but with LA:RISE’s help, Hector attended many job fairs, stayed focused and made sure not to miss out on the opportunities that were available.  “I now work for Volunteers of America – Los Angeles as a Staff Support AOD Counselor on Skid Row,” he said. “It is a job that I need right now to become a Substance Use Disorder Counselor. I hope to take the California State Board exam to be a Certified Substance Use Disorder Counselor in the coming months.” Hector added that none of this would have been possible without the help of his case manager. “People do not want a handout, but they do need direction and an attitude that life can get better for them. I appreciate all that you do.”