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Wildfires Test New Emergency Centralized Response Center 600 541 admin

Wildfires Test New Emergency Centralized Response Center

“It was on.” Less than a month after it was established and with the first new staff having just started days earlier, the new Los Angeles County Emergency Centralized Response Center (ECRC) was being put to the test by the…

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A Pathway Home in Bellflower, Downey, and Norwalk 600 541 admin

A Pathway Home in Bellflower, Downey, and Norwalk

Los Angeles County’s Pathway Home program brought more than 73 people experiencing homelessness who had been living along the San Gabriel River in the cities of Bellflower, Downey, and Norwalk and into safe interim housing, where they are receiving supportive…

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From Hardship to Hope: Rebuilding a Life After Incarceration 600 541 admin

From Hardship to Hope: Rebuilding a Life After Incarceration

After a period of incarceration, Lisette, 48,experienced homelessness for several years, staying in shelters and sober living homes. She also came from a family background of housing instability. Lisette was connected to Good Shepherd Center’s Housing for Health Program, where…

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An unoccupied RV, missing pieces, is parking in a lot.
LA County Launches Pathway Home RV Interim Housing Pilot Program 600 541 admin

LA County Launches Pathway Home RV Interim Housing Pilot Program

Los Angeles County today announced it has launched a Pathway Home RV Interim Housing Pilot Program at a Crenshaw parking lot to serve people living in their recreational vehicles (RVs), providing them with legal parking, a safe environment to sleep,…

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Crews clean up trash and refuse at a Pathway Home cleanup.
A pathway home in South LA 600 541 admin

A pathway home in South LA

Los Angeles County’s Pathway Home program brought 68 people experiencing homelessness off the streets of unincorporated areas of Florence-Firestone and Florence-Graham and into safe interim housing, where they will receive supportive services and other resources to help them transition out…

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Veteran Steps Up in Support 600 541 admin

Veteran Steps Up in Support

After serving three tours of duty in Iraq with the U.S. Army, Alberto, 37, returned home only to battle homelessness for nearly 10 years. He had found it extremely difficult to navigate civilian life, resources, and benefits but said he…

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A recently housed family sits on the porch of their new home.
Family Gets New Home After House Fire 600 541 admin

Family Gets New Home After House Fire

Paula, a 55-year-old Native American single mother, and her three children, lost their home in a fire caused by a faulty outlet earlier this year. She had become unemployed shortly before the fire, and homelessness took a toll on the…

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Yvette gives a thumbs up with her case worker.
Making Her Way in the World Again 600 541 admin

Making Her Way in the World Again

After losing her job of 28 years at the VA Long Beach, Yvette, 62, lived in her car and in shelters in Santa Ana, Bell, and Whittier for about 10 years. After being hospitalized in Whittier and later Compton, she…

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Christopher holds up a motivational sign in his new apartment.
Christopher Stays Positive 600 541 admin

Christopher Stays Positive

Christopher, 48, moved in with his mother and sister in 2017 after serving time in prison. Unfortunately, his sister passed away a few months later. As Christopher and his mother were not on his sister’s lease, they became homeless. Without…

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Victor holds up his house keys in his new apartment.
Victor is at Home and at Peace 600 541 admin

Victor is at Home and at Peace

Victor, 55, was on the verge of falling into homelessness. He was living in a converted garage that wasn’t suitable as a home, and his landlord wanted a year of back rent and a long-term lease. The DHS Housing for…

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