Homeless Prevention services aim to help rent-burdened, low-income families and individuals resolve crises that would otherwise cause them to lose their homes. These services can include short-term rental subsidies, housing conflict resolution and mediation with landlords and/or property managers, and legal defense against eviction.  Similar services are provided to help individuals avoid becoming homeless after exiting institutions like jails, hospitals, and foster care.


The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) administers the Homelessness Prevention Program, which provides people with short-term rental and legal assistance to maintain their housing or find new housing to avoid entering the emergency shelter system.

LAHSA also offers Problem Solving, which helps people identify viable temporary or permanent housing and other resources within their own network of relatives and friends. Click on the image to learn more programs that help people who are  “one bad week away” from homelessness. In select cases and as a last resort, limited and one-time financial assistance can enhance an individual or family’s success in rapidly connecting to alternative temporary or permanent housing.

The Los Angeles County Departments of Health Services (DHS) and Mental Health (DMH) have partnered with UCLA’s California Policy Lab on the Homeless Prevention Unit pilot program, which uses predictive analytics to identify people who are heavy users of public health care and other social safety net services, and who are considered to be at the highest risk of becoming homeless. Participants are provided financial assistance and connected to health care, mental health care, employment training, legal services, and other supportive services.  

The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services  (DCFS) has several programs to help families obtain housing, including Bringing Families Home, the Family Reunification Housing Subsidy, and the Prevention and Aftercare Program. Meanwhile, its Supervised Independent Living Program helps young adults (ages 18 to 21) exiting the foster care system, giving them financial and emotional support to transition into living on their own.