• August 15, 2018

After 20 Years, Carlos Romero Has A Home

After 20 Years, Carlos Romero Has A Home

After 20 Years, Carlos Romero Has A Home 1024 847 admin

Carlos Romero had been homeless in the Tujunga Wash for over 20 years. He was invisible to the world until an Intensive Case Management
Services (ICMS) Street Based Engagement team found and engaged him.
The medical doctor on the team notified LA Family Housing ICMS staff of Carlos’s rapidly deteriorating condition due to significant and untreated health issues, and urged them to get him into housing after assessing that he would not last much longer living outside. LA Family Housing staff worked to create a trusting space for Carlos to find suitable permanent housing. With the help of Brilliant Corners, they were able to house Carlos within a week by utilizing a Housing for Health Flexible Housing Subsidy Program housing subsidy since he did not qualify for federal housing subsidies at that time. Carlos is excited to be in a safe and comfortable home and was overjoyed when his furniture arrived.
He loved the company of feral cats in the wash and still goes out to feed
them every day.

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