
Community Listening Sessions – Communications Toolkit 150 150 CVillacorte

Community Listening Sessions – Communications Toolkit

Help Us to Spread the Word! We are looking forward to hearing from diverse stakeholders throughout Los Angeles County during our Community Listening Sessions on the Homeless Initiative Funding Recommendations for Fiscal Year 2025-2026. Help us to spread the word…

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TEST anchor 600 541 CVillacorte

TEST anchor

LETTER Emphasizing that collaboration is key to solving homelessness, Los Angeles County convened leaders and stakeholders across the homeless services system to strengthen partnerships and harness their collective expertise. More than 350 of these partners came together at the 2024…

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Meta at Florence 600 541 CVillacorte

Meta at Florence

The California Strategic Growth Council announced the seventh round of its Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program grants, which included $30.8 million to Meta Housing Corp. and Los Angeles County for their Metro at Florence project. The project will catalyze…

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Inside Safe in Chatsworth Houses 50 People 600 541 CVillacorte

Inside Safe in Chatsworth Houses 50 People

The City and County of Los Angeles worked hand-in-hand on an Inside Safe operation in Chatsworth, bringing more than 50 unhoused residents indoors, and resolving an encampment located alongside a flood control channel and transit station. Inside Safe is a…

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Bradley Benefits from Section 8 600 541 CVillacorte

Bradley Benefits from Section 8

Bradley experienced homelessness for six years, most recently sleeping in an encampment by the Lennox Library. A Measure H-funded LAHSA Homeless Engagement Team (HET) helped her get  financial assistance from St. Margret’s Center, move into a Section 8 rental unit…

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Brynn Builds a New Life for Herself 600 541 CVillacorte

Brynn Builds a New Life for Herself

During the five years that Brynn, 41, was homeless, several street outreach teams engaged with her, including Measure H-funded multi-disciplinary teams (MDTs) from LA Family Housing (LAFH) and Northeast Valley Medical Center, LAHSA HOST outreach teams, Roadmaps, CARE, and Hope…

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Willie Signs His Lease 600 541 CVillacorte

Willie Signs His Lease

Willie, 71, had been homeless for five years, struggling with his sobriety and gambling, when he found an interim housing bed at the Russ Hotel. After two years there, he got approved for an apartment in Lennox, with help from…

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Homekey Round 3 600 541 CVillacorte

Homekey Round 3

The State of California Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD’s) Homekey Program provides funding to local public entities (and their co-applicants) to purchase and rehabilitate housing, including hotels, motels, vacant apartment buildings, and other buildings and convert them into interim…

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Homeless Initiative Unveils $556.4M Spending Plan 1024 850 admin

Homeless Initiative Unveils $556.4M Spending Plan

As part of its continuing budget process, the Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative released a preliminary draft spending plan of $556.4 million for fiscal year 2022-2023. The amount represents a 5.5% increase over the $527.1 million approved for the current…

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Entering a New Phase with Homekey 600 541 admin

Entering a New Phase with Homekey

LA County is Converting More Hotels and Motels Being Converted into Housing Homekey is an innovative partnership between Los Angeles County and the State of California to purchase and rehabilitate properties, including hotels and motels, and convert them into housing…

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