Quarterly Reports

Quarterly Report 29 624 809 CVillacorte

Quarterly Report 29

This 29th Quarterly Report marks almost nine months since the Board of Supervisors’ declaration of a State of Emergency on homelessness and provides updates on ongoing efforts to implement the Homeless Initiative’s New Framework to Address Homelessness, with a particular focus on the…

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Quarterly Report 28 586 756 CVillacorte

Quarterly Report 28

This 28th Quarterly Report marks almost nine months since the Board of Supervisors’ declaration of a State of Emergency on homelessness and provides updates on ongoing efforts to implement the Homeless Initiative’s New Framework to Address Homelessness, with a particular…

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Quarterly Report 27 612 792 CVillacorte

Quarterly Report 27

This 27th Quarterly Report highlights significant developments underway at the Homeless Initiative, including the implementation actions in response to the Board of Supervisors’ declaration of a State of Emergency on January 10, 2023, the launch of the County’s encampment resolution initiative…

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Quarterly Report 26 612 792 CVillacorte

Quarterly Report 26

This 26th Quarterly Report marks the Board of Supervisors declaring a State of Emergency on homelessness as well as updates on ongoing efforts to implement the Homeless Initiative’s New Framework to Address Homelessness, with a particular focus on the Homeless…

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Quarterly Report 25 612 792 CVillacorte

Quarterly Report 25

This 25th Quarterly Report is the first to reflect the Homeless Initiative’s New Framework to End Homeless, particularly for the Homeless Rehousing System, with data organized according to its pillars: Coordinate, Prevent, Connect, House, and Stabilize. The report captures data…

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Quarterly Report 24 612 792 CVillacorte

Quarterly Report 24

With its 24th Quarterly Report, the Homeless Initiative is marking five full years since the implementation of Measure H, the landmark ¼-cent sales tax approved by 70% of Los Angeles County voters in March 2017. This report captures cumulative data…

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Quarterly Report 23 612 792 CVillacorte

Quarterly Report 23

The Homeless Initiative’s Quarterly Report No. 23 provides data on the implementation of its strategies on homeless prevention, outreach, interim housing, permanent housing, and supportive services from July 1, 2021 – March 31, 2022, or the first three quarters of fiscal…

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Quarterly Report 22 612 792 admin

Quarterly Report 22

The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative’s 22nd Quarterly Report tracks data on homeless prevention, outreach, supportive services, interim housing, and permanent housing strategies from the first quarter of fiscal year 2021-22, or July 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021.It also presents cumulative data…

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Quarterly Report 21 612 792 admin

Quarterly Report 21

The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative’s 21st Quarterly Report tracks data on homeless prevention, outreach, supportive services, interim housing, and permanent housing strategies from the first quarter of fiscal year 2021-22, or July 1, 2021 – September 30, 2021. It also presents cumulative…

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Quarterly Report 20 612 792 admin

Quarterly Report 20

The Los Angeles County Homeless Initiative’s 20th Quarterly Report spans all four quarters of FY 2020-2021. It includes updates on Measure H-funded strategies, including homelessness prevention, street outreach, supportive services and employment, interim housing, and permanent housing. It also includes…

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