Success Stories

In Measure H Funding, Hope For the Homeless College Student 1024 682 admin

In Measure H Funding, Hope For the Homeless College Student

Majeedah Wesley was less than two months into her education at Long Beach City College when she became part of a growing statistic among the ranks of college students in the United States. She was homeless, more than 400 miles…

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Vet Finds Security 788 542 admin

Vet Finds Security

Ms. ltzel B. is a service veteran who became homeless after receiving a 90-day notice from her landlord who wanted to sell the apartment complex. She was not able to secure a new home in time and ended up on…

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Home For The First Time In 20 Years 480 644 admin

Home For The First Time In 20 Years

As far back as many residents in San Pedro can remember, Ed has been sitting at a bus stop and refusing assistance for housing or services. Although Ed did not want to visit the Coordinated Entry System (CES) lead agency,…

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Single Mom Finds Stability 922 620 admin

Single Mom Finds Stability

Darlene Burnett had been in and out of drug and alcohol treatment centers since losing her home in 2013. Sometimes she and her young daughter would sleep in her car. She was referred to the Housing Authority of the County…

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