Success Stories

Disabled Domestic Violence Survivor Finds Home 600 541 CVillacorte

Disabled Domestic Violence Survivor Finds Home

Linda, a disabled senior and a domestic violence survivor, was homeless for 11 years. She was placed at a Project Roomkey (PRK) hotel room in Lawndale but could not return there after being hospitalized. A LAHSA Homeless Engagement Team (HET)…

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Jay Adjusts to Life Indoors 600 541 CVillacorte

Jay Adjusts to Life Indoors

Jay, 55, fell into homelessness due to a confluence of mental illness, drug addiction, and economic factors, and became a regular at Fred Jordan Ministries and the Midnight Mission. The Measure H-funded “C3” outreach team operated by the nonprofit The…

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A Home for Ana and Her Kids 600 541 CVillacorte

A Home for Ana and Her Kids

After Olive View Medical Center diagnosed her with multiple chronic illnesses, Ana, 67, received a referral to the Countywide Benefits Entitlement Services Team (CBEST). Her retirement benefits weren’t enough for her to help with expenses at the home she shared…

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Housed For the First Time in 20 Years 600 541 CVillacorte

Housed For the First Time in 20 Years

When his mother and grandmother died, Mitchell was forced to move away from home and lived on the streets for 20 years, most recently in an alley in Westmont. A Measure H-funded LAHSA Homeless Engagement Team (HET) developed a rapport…

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Ryan Reaches His Goal 600 541 CVillacorte

Ryan Reaches His Goal

Ryan, 31, was captain of his high school soccer team who graduated  from community college with an associate degree in psychology then played soccer at university and graduated with a bachelor’s degree in communications with a focus on advertising. But…

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Silverio Achieves Self-Sufficiency 600 541 CVillacorte

Silverio Achieves Self-Sufficiency

Silverio, 62, was in a halfway house on parole when the Measure H-funded LA:Rise employment program connected him to services through Southeast LA (SELA) America’s Job Centers of California (AJCC) in Huntington Park and the Center for Employment Opportunities (CEO)…

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A Home for Ariana and Her Baby 600 541 CVillacorte

A Home for Ariana and Her Baby

After transitioning out of the foster care system, Ariana, 20, experienced homelessness with her one-year old daughter. LACDA helped her locate a home in the Lancaster area, and she was able to complete the move-in process within a week –…

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Manuel Moves Up 600 541 CVillacorte

Manuel Moves Up

Manuel, 30, became homeless after fleeing a rundown East LA “trap house” with gang activity. “There was no running water nor electricity, let alone gas. It was hot in the summers and cold in the winters to the point that…

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Former Foster Kids Find Home 600 541 CVillacorte

Former Foster Kids Find Home

Once he turned 21, foster youth Tysaiah Cooper was aging out of the system and in danger of losing housing. But thanks to a unique partnership between Los Angeles County, a nonprofit, and a philanthropic foundation, he and other vulnerable…

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Verna is a Survivor 600 541 CVillacorte

Verna is a Survivor

Verna lived in Skid Row for years after fleeing a violent marriage in Belize. With help from one of Los Angeles County’s nonprofit partners, HOPICS, she was able to receive housing, where is now thriving. She tells her story with…

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